For many years, the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento (LECS) has not only been providing Chaplain services to First Responders, and the community, they have also been offering a wide variety of presentations and training classes to Law Enforcement, First Responders, schools, churches, businesses, organizations, and the community.
Below is a list of some of the training classes offered. These training classes can be done in our LECS Training Room, or at any location of your choice. We are always excited when we can present these training classes in your location.
At this time, we have listed all of the training classes we offer, and within a very short time, each training session below will have an active link where you can read more specifics about what each training class entails, similar to the ones already listed below for Suicide Awareness Training, Church Security Training and First Responder Church Training.
Until all the links are active, we are happy to provide you with additional details for the classes below that you are most interested in. All training classes can be specifically tailored for the needs or your group or organization. Please email info@sacchaplains.com and we will provide the details.
- Trauma Response & Care (TRAC)
- Trauma Informed Listening Skills
- Family “PEER” Support
- PEER Support to First Responders
- High School PEER Support
- Human Side of a Critical Incident
- Grief & Bereavement Workshop
- Grief & Bereavement in Law Enforcement
- Suicide Prevention among First Responders
- Compassion Fatigue vs. Burnout
- Emotional & Spiritual Care
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
- Supervisor Counseling Techniques
- Children’s Understanding of Death
- Family Mediation
- Disaster Preparedness
- First Responder Church
- Church Crisis Chaplains
- Suicide Awareness: Prevention | Intervention | Postvention
- CPR | First Aid | AED
First Responder Church Training

Following a crime, death of a loved one, or traumatic event, the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento (LECS) provides follow-up care to these victims or traumatized persons for several days, possibly up to one week.
However, some of these people require longer follow-up attention. The Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento (LECS) has partnered with several area churches that go above and beyond in assisting those with additional follow-up needs. These churches offer short term practical assistance, not pastoral care (unless requested).
These church members may assist with light housekeeping, bringing in a meal, or offering a listening ear. These are just a few examples of practical assistance that might be offered to ease the load on the impacted person or their family. The goal for the First Responder Church is not to get the traumatized person to join their church, but simply to help them progress through their grief journey.
If your church has an interest in becoming a First Responder Church – please send an email to info@sacchaplains.com to schedule a training session, or call our office Monday through Thursday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at (916)978-0296.
Suicide Awareness Training
Sadly, suicide calls are one of the most common that the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento (LECS) deals with. For this reason, LECS offers a comprehensive 4-Hour Suicide Awareness Training that has been very successful in helping law enforcement, First Responders, clergy, teachers, parents and the community with suicide prevention, intervention and postvention.
This class can be presented via ZOOM on-line. We also schedule several of these training classes each year in our LECS Training Room and host locations.
Suicide Awareness Training is both lecture and interactive and covers topics such as:
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Postvention
- Myths
- Stigma
- Sleep Deprivation
- Developing Good Listening Skills (including what you hear when no one is talking)
This training can help everyone be more in tune with stopping the epidemic of suicide.