LECS Chaplains are typically deployed by law enforcement dispatchers within moments of the officers’ arrival on scene.  After Chaplains respond to the initial crisis, they offer follow-up services to victims of crime, or those impacted by the traumatic event.


If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic event are grieving, or just need to talk to a Chaplain, please call our 24-Hour Confidential Helpline at (916) 857-1801.  Chaplains are expertly trained in prevention programs, intervention services and aftermath of postvention services in complementing the First Responder calls within the Sacramento community with 36-48 hours. 

Chaplains are trained in the aftermath of grief and offer many resources for those who are grieving, as well as other community resources.

Funeral Home / Cemeteries

Following the death of a loved one, whether expected or unexpected, many people have questions regarding the last wishes of that person, and who is legally responsible.

Many loved ones have already made pre-arrangements for their final wishes.  You may want to search in their important papers for this information.  They may also have faith traditions you are already aware of. If not, LECS is available to help with funeral planning and officiating.

View list of Greater Sacramento Funeral Homes / Cemeteries and related Frequently Asked Questions

Grief Resources (General)

Grief Resources (Loss of a Child)

Travel Resources

Almost every airline offers some type of Bereavement Flights and/or Service, such as having a loved one located somewhere else returned home to you. Inquire with individual airlines.

Veteran Resources

It is common for family members to assume that if their loved one who has died was a Veteran that all of their burial costs are paid by the VA.  In most cases, this is true.  While the Veteran may be eligible to be buried in a free grave or inurned in a columbarium with a Veteran’s cemetery, there are many factors that must be considered.  It is recommended that to do your utmost to first obtain the Veteran’s DD-214 discharge paperwork before you contact one of the agencies below.  This will definitely expedite the process.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes to affect both the elderly as well as the deceased.  Criminals use information about the deceased to commit fraud and run up credit card debts.  There are however, resources available to help you protect yourself and your family.

Suicide Resources

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please IMMEDIATELY call:

24-Hour National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-TALK (8255)

For those who have already had suicide touch their life, below are some special resources that might be very beneficial.

Crime Scene Clean-up

After a home death or tragedy, assistance is needed with potential biohazard remediation or trauma cleanup.  There are many companies that provide these services 24/7/365 that you can easily find through a web search. 

The Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento (LECS) provides the following information within this section of our website as a courtesy and convenience to the community we serve. LECS does not “recommend” or “endorse” anyone, over another.