Shirley W.
Serving Since:
Presidential Commendation:
2023 President’s Lifetime Volunteer Service Award
What I do to put energy into my life:
Prayer, praising God, worship services, spending time with family and friends, spending loads of time with my 3-year-old granddaughter, traveling, sports events (PRB, Rodeo and MLB), music, coloring, and knitting.
Why I became a Chaplain:
I became a chaplain to provide the covering for the direct calling from God to: “Go out and help hurting people.” God called me by my name twice in the empty lobby where I was waiting on co-workers to go to lunch and told me those words. I retired the following month in 1997 and have been helping hurting people ever since. Chaplain was the final piece I needed (#1. being ordained minister; #2. Hospice volunteer, and #3. Chaplain). Three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.