Florence H.
Serving Since:
Presidential Commendation:
2023 President’s Lifetime Volunteer Service Award
What I do to put energy into my life:
I pray first thing in the morning, read my scriptures, then monitor my glucose and blood pressure; followed by 25 sit-ups and stretches. I also walk my yard to access what needs to be done or work on what I have scheduled. I also travel to Fresno, visiting my children and grandchildren, at least once or twice a month.
Why I became a Chaplain:
To serve outside the 4 walls! I’ve worked for the Police Dept. in the Record’s Dept. and the Crime Scene Unit (CSI), so I’ve seen some of what our officers go through. My heart goes out to them, for what they see and experience, and especially for what they can’t share with their loved ones. That’s one of the reasons I love “Blessing the Badges”! We cover our officers. Many of them do not know God! But Christ died for all! And, as a servant, I am there for all! “The Lost and Found”! And I “THANK HIM” for finding “ME!” Because He lives, I’m here!